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Node Version Manager (NVM)


Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use NVM (Node Version Manager) to install and manage specific versions of Node.js on your system:

Install NVM

If you haven't already installed NVM, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal:

curl -o- | bash

Or, if you prefer using Wget:

wget -qO- | bash

This command will install NVM on your system. You may need to restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc if you use Zsh) to start using NVM.

Check NVM Version

You can verify that NVM has been installed correctly by typing:

nvm --version

List available Node.js versions

You can list the available Node.js versions by running:

nvm ls-remote

This should display the version of NVM that you installed.

Install a Specific Version of Node.js

To install a specific version of Node.js, use the following command:

nvm install X.X.X

Replace X.X.X with the version number you want to install. For example, to install Node.js version 18.18.2:

nvm install 18.20.5

Use the Installed Node.js Version

Once the installation is complete, you can use the installed version by typing:

nvm use X.X.X

For example:

nvm use 18.20.5

You can check the current Node.js version in use with:

node -v

Set a Default Node.js Version (Optional)

If you want to set a default Node.js version to be used in new shell sessions, you can type:

nvm alias default X.X.X

For example, to set version 18.18.2 as the default:

nvm alias default 18.18.2

Now you have successfully installed and managed a specific version of Node.js using NVM. Remember that you can always switch to different versions using the nvm use command.