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MiroTalk P2P Iframe Integration


This integration allows you to embed MiroTalk P2P into your website using an iframe. By leveraging the IframeApi, you can easily create and manage video conferencing rooms directly within your web application.


  • Seamless iframe embedding
  • Customizable room parameters
  • Full control over audio, video, and screen sharing
  • Configurable UI visibility options
  • Room share notifications


To integrate MiroTalk P2P via an iframe, add the provided HTML and JavaScript snippet to your webpage.

Example Implementation

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>MiroTalk P2P Iframe Demo</title>

    <script src="https://YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME/js/iframe.js" defer></script>

      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        const domain = "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME";
        const options = {
          room: "test",
          name: "mirotalk",
          audio: 0,
          video: 0,
          screen: 0,
          hide: 0,
          notify: 0,
          token: null,
          width: "100vw",
          height: "100vh",
          parentNode: document.querySelector("#meet"),
        const api = new IframeApi(domain, options);
    <div id="meet"></div>

Configuration Options

Parameter Type Description
room String The room ID to join
name String Display name of the participant
audio Number Enable (1) or disable (0) audio
video Number Enable (1) or disable (0) video
screen Number Enable (1) or disable (0) screen sharing
hide Number Hide Self view (1 to enable, 0 to disable)
notify Number Enable (1) or disable (0) notifications
token string Token for the user. Optional if HOST_PROTECTED or HOST_USER_AUTH is set to true in the .env file
width String Set the width of the iframe (e.g., "100vw")
height String Set the height of the iframe (e.g., "100vh")
parentNode DOM Element The parent HTML element where the iframe will be inserted


  1. Replace YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME with your actual MiroTalk P2P domain.
  2. Include the iframe.js script in your HTML file.
  3. Configure the options object according to your needs.
  4. Add an empty <div id="meet"></div> where the iframe should be embedded.


  • Ensure your domain allows embedding via iframe by configuring the proper CORS and X-Frame-Options settings.
  • The script must be included with the defer attribute to ensure proper execution.
  • This integration works with MiroTalk P2P and requires a valid domain setup.